Workplace Safety Topic
Electrical Safety

Working safely around electricity sounds like a no-brainer. But that fact also means that it’s easy to become complacent and risk severe injury. Consider the fact that the amount of current needed to light an ordinary 60-watt lightbulb is five times the amount needed to kill someone. And that’s just the start of the risk that electricity poses.
Injury from electricity can happen either directly, when a person comes in contact with an exposed energy conductor like a frayed cord, or indirectly, when electricity jumps from an energy conductor like a power line to a person who is grounded. That complexity in how electricity works requires some education. The good news is that sources to do just that are plentiful.
Getting Started:
Every job that involves electricity requires a specific level of attention and training. That said, there are some basic guidelines that apply across a variety of tasks:
- Inspect any electrical tool for broken or frayed wiring before use.
- Use only GFI outlets near water.
- Remove metal jewelry or accessories that can conduct electricity.
- Use only fiberglass or wooden ladders near electricity.
- Always turn a tool’s power off before making repairs.