June 28, 2023
Timely Filing
We are approaching the anniversary of the timely filing rule that took effect July 1, 2022. The Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) added the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) rule 24.29.1402(1)(c) which in part states:
(c)A provider of medical treatment or services shall only be paid for services under this chapter if the bill for medical treatment or services is timely received by the employer or appropriate payer. Absent a showing of good cause, a bill for treatment or services is timely received by the employer or appropriate payer when it is actually received within 365 days of the later of:
- The date of service; or
- The date the provider of medical treatment or services knew the treatment or services was related to a claim for benefits under this chapter.
The rule can be found at https://rules.mt.gov/gateway/ruleno.asp?RN=24%2E29%2E1402. If you have questions about this rule, contact Celeste Ackerman, Administrative Officer (DLI) at 406-444-6604.