June 28, 2023
National Provider Identifier (NPI) – Still an Issue
What is an NPI?
The NPI is the National Provider Identifier that is used by Medicare to be able to track where practitioners are providing services. MSF uses them for similar reasons but these numbers are also required for reporting information to National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). The NPI Registry is found at NPPES NPI Registry (hhs.gov) which is also where providers can apply for an NPI. Providers generally receive a number within a day or so. MSF requires NPI’s for all providers who bill for services for workers compensation.
Where are NPI’s used?
- UB04 form: NPI’s are required in Box 56 (service facility), Box 76 (attending provider and Box’s 77 – 79 (operating and other) if applicable.
- CMS 1500: Box 24J (service provider), 32a (service facility location) and 33a (billng provider).
The names the NPI’s are registered needs to match the billing form used.
Please be sure the NPI’s entered are correct and match the NPPES registry. This will help eliminate denials and having to submit corrected bills for reconsideration. If you have questions, please contact the Medical Audit Team at 406-495-5011.