August 19, 2019
New Policy Billing Project Makes Headway
Montana State Fund’s new policy and billing system replacement project has been ‘under construction’ for almost two years and it’s all coming together as we move out of development and into the testing phases. It’s quite an exciting time!
At MSF, we have a strong vision and outstanding values. We know MSF’s TRUE NORTH and who we are. We stand for doing the right thing, for the businesses in Montana and for those injured on the job.
As we move into testing, the defining moment of truth is when we see whether everything we’ve imagined and poured our hearts into, is going to work as we had expected.
It’s been conversation and intentions up until now. Now we get to see the new system in practice, all together, from end-to-end.
We get to turn on the engine and take it for a spin.
MSF’s intention for phase 1 was to get MSF on to a new platform. The conclusion of phase 1 will be when we get to that point of enjoying all the capabilities that the new system has to offer and then looking for continuous improvement opportunities.
Some new capabilities are simply because it’s a more modern system. Other capabilities are because we have designed them to suit the needs of our customers. Without question, the new system will provide our agents and policyholders with much more access to policy details than our current system. Phase 2 will be where improvement ideas and suggestions to form a new set of requirements that will make this platform even greater will happen.
It is true there is no changing the future without disturbing the present. What I have enjoyed about this journey is the way each and every staff member has taken big steps out of their comfort zones away from the only system they have known and embraced the necessary change. They have committed themselves to a new way of doing things to get the most benefit from the new system – and deliver a great product that will help us realize our vision of making worker’s compensation easier for our customers and more efficient for us. We want MSF to be in the best place possible to be a remarkable, competitive insurance partner for Montana businesses – and we are working to build a platform to support that vision.
We are impatient for the new system but we’re still about a year away from ‘go-live’.
The good news is that the new system is coming, and we remain committed to delivering a modern, elegant solution – saving time, making work easier.