February 18, 2019
Legislative Update
As we near the mid-point of the session, there are a large number of bills that may have some impact on MSF indirectly but only a handful of bills that we have provided testimony on. Below, you will find a few of those bills, their current status and MSF’s position on them. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at msflegislativeissues@mt.gov.
Senate Bill 29: Requires workers’ compensation for volunteer firefighters
MSF provided informational testimony.
Passed the Senate. Awaiting a hearing in the House.
Senate Bill 78: Requires workers’ compensation insurers to provide notice prior to claim closure.
MSF opposed pending a couple of amendments. The amendments were added to the bill and MSF is now neutral.
Passed the Senate Business and Labor Committee and the Senate Floor on 2nd Reading. Awaits 3rd Reading on the Senate Floor.
House Bill 313: Repeals the insurers ability to designate the treating physician on a workers’ compensation claim.
MSF opposed.
Failed to pass the House Business and Labor Committee. Tabled in committee.
LC 935: Repealing a sunset regarding extraterritorial workers’ compensation coverage. This primarily impacts employers in Eastern Montana who also do business in North Dakota. The extraterritorial provision allows for the elimination of duplicative coverage.
MSF supports.
Bill has not yet been introduced.
SB 234: Allows the State of Montana the option to self-insure for workers’ compensation coverage or insure with a private company or Montana State Fund.
MSF provided informational testimony.
Passed the Senate Business and Labor Committee and awaits a vote on the Senate Floor.
HB214: Allows the State of Montana the option to insure with a private company or Montana State Fund for workers’ compensation coverage. Provides for certain exemptions for Montana State Fund and allows for the election of a minority of MSF board members by MSF policyholders.
MSF provided informational testimony.
Passed the House Business and Labor Committee. Passed on second reading on the House floor. Sent to the Appropriations Committee. Awaits a vote in Appropriations before being sent to the House floor for a possible third and final reading.