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February 17, 2019

Assistant Attorney General Mary Cochenour Recognized

Congratulations to Assistant Attorney General Mary Cochenour who was recognized as the Prosecutor of the Year by the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud. Since 2012, Cochenour has served as the prosecutor for worker’s compensation fraud referrals made by Montana State Fund to the Montana Attorney General’s Office.

Mary Cochenour is with (left) Butch Huseby Former Investigator with the Montana Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation, Montana State Fund President Laurence Hubbard and Montana Attorney General Tim Fox

MSF refers an average of 10 – 13 cases per year to the Montana Division of Criminal Investigation that are investigated and then referred to Cochenour’s office for prosecution. 

Over the past six years, Cochenour has done an outstanding job prosecuting worker’s compensation fraud cases.  She has earned a reputation as a tough, but fair prosecutor in trial who proved to be highly effective in front of a jury.  Her reputation has led many to plead guilty rather than go to trial.