November 19, 2018
Our Premium Payment Address Has Changed
If you pay your premium payment by mail, be aware that the address for our invoice remittances, and payments that are mailed for processing, has changed to:
Montana State Fund
PO. Box 4759
Helena, MT 59604-4759
Please take the necessary steps to replace the former Billings, MT PO Box address with the address above.
Do you know about our online payment options?
If you want to skip mailing, you can quickly, conveniently, and safely, pay your premium online by going to our website montanastatefund.com. Simply click the Online Payment Tab to begin the process. If you pay by e-check there is no charge for this service. If you are paying by credit card, the vendor imposes a nominal fee to process the charges.
For questions about your premium payment, or anything else related to your policy, contact a customer service specialist at 800-332-6102.